We also specialise in Top Quality Animal feeds e.g. Bulk Soya Cake, Sunflower Cake and B-Grade Maize Grits.
Soybean meal is the most important protein in South Africa and Africa, in terms of feeding animals. Today soybean meal makes up two-thirds of the total world output of protein feedstuffs for animal feed. It has completely overtaken any other feeding protein and has become the standard with which other proteins are compared.
Once soybean oil has been processed, soybean meal is the by-product of the extraction process. It is because of its high protein content that soybean meal is classified as a good quality animal feed. Soybean meal is divided into 2 categories; High-protein and conventional. With the high-protein meal, there is 47-49% protein content and 3% fibre while with conventional soybean meal the protein content is between 43-44% and the hulls.
Suppliers stick to certain specifications during the production of soybean meal and so they use 1 of 3 main ways to extract soybean for oil and soybean meal for cattle feed. The most commonly used method to extract the oil and produce the soybean meal is solvent extraction. Each process produces soya bean animal feed.